Aimed At The Stars

A collective of explorers, sight-seers, and hangers-on. Their charter is to study galactic phenomena, flora, and fauna, although they are suspected of dabbling in mercenarism and even piracy from time to time.

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Aimed At The Stars, Elite: Dangerous Squadron and Player Minor Faction.

Squadron ID: STGR

Join us in game! Our members do a little bit of everything, from exploration, trading, and mining to PvE, AX, and PvP combat. And join us in Discord, too. There are tonnes of useful resources for newbies and experts alike in the #training channel.

Our one rule

Discord and squadron membership are at the sole discretion of the command staff. To borrow from Lt. Gen. David Morrison, those who think that it is OK to behave in a way that demeans or exploits their colleagues have no place on board this carrier. If that does not suit you, get out.

An independent collective

From our home in HIP 90810 on the frontier of human-controlled space, we spread our utopian ethos throughout the Bubble. Make your mark on the galactic polity by helping us expand our influence!